Only you can decide what breaks you.
— Sarah J. Maas

Conquer your hidden pain and change your life.


I work with women who struggle with blended high/low self esteem. To the outside world, we are successful and have our shit together. Except we are masters at hiding pain. Inside, we have a black hole filled with guilt, shame, and feeling unworthy. We feel stress managing family, life, career, relationships, and don't feel good enough. We carry trauma in our bodies and it shows up in our daily life. From a young age, we learned self betrayal was pivotal to be worthy of love and to feel good enough. We didn't have a voice. My focus is repairing the damage due to past experiences and how it’s created a critical view to our own self.

Invest in your relationship with yourself

We all have a tendency to put others first. We are kinder to others than we are to ourselves. In doing so, we neglect the relationship with ourself.

I help you learn to invest in yourself by breaking free of patterns that no longer serve you. Give yourself permission to become rooted in the energy of your true self.

I work with women who struggle with:

Improve your relationship with your mindset

It’s easy to get stuck in a feedback loop of managing all the stressors placed upon you, tolerating it all. It’s overwhelming with the different ways you show up for others while abandoning your own needs.

Have you noticed how others benefit from you at your own expense?

The people benefitting from you aren’t coming into therapy. They are reaping the benefits while you grind away. It’s YOU finding your way into therapy because living this way feels like, “If I take one more step existing like this, I will implode. I don’t want to live like this anymore. I’m stuck in survival mode. How did I even get to this point?”

I help you make changes to step into a healthier mindset, creating a healthier relationship with yourself and others.

How do you want to show up for yourself and others?

You don’t have to know what that looks or feels like yet. I help you explore what is working and what isn’t for you. The fact you are HERE reading this tells me you recognize there are things getting in the way. Things within you need to shift to have a better quality of life.

I help you step into awareness and break free from being stuck on autopilot repeating the same patterns in all areas of life. We focus on doing the healing work and developing a resilient mindset.

Together, we work towards you stepping into the badass and amazing person you are capable of being and fully believing it.

“I am hyper independent and don’t know how to ask for help without looking like I don’t have it together. People rely on me. I’m drowning from the pressure.”

“I struggle with scarcity mindset. I have money trauma and want to work through it. I want a healthier relationship with money and to understand why I feel shame surrounding my finances.”

“I can’t decide what to do about my relationship. I feel stuck and am afraid to make a decision. I keep finding myself in similar relationships with the same issues. I don’t trust myself. I’m scared. I don’t want to be alone. I ‘m successful but feel like I’m failing and don’t want anyone to know.”

“I want to stop feeling the need to people please everyone. I’m exhausted and don't show it. I keep going and feel depleted but people keep taking from me. I want to say no but feel guilty and then I feel resentful. How did my life get to this point? Do others feel this way?”

“I worry about my health. I feel like I can’t get it together emotionally and mentally. I have a hard time with body image and struggle with disordered eating and it feels all over the place. I want to understand what is causing this. I’m tired of living this way.”

“I always say, “I’m fine,” and smile. Deep down I’m not and feel defective and like a failure. I want to be honest and stop pretending everything is ok in my relationships.'“

The greatest damage done by neglect, trauma, or emotional loss is not the immediate pain they
inflict, but the long -term distortions they induce in the way a developing child will continue to interpret the
world and themselves.
— Gabor Mate

Try a phone consultation for free and see if it’s right for you.

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.